On May 29th, the Curate of Claines, Nick Kaleniuk will attempt to “Beat the Bounds” of the Parish of Claines. (He did!)

Or will the Bounds Beat Nick?

Beating the Bounds is an ancient tradition of walking the boundaries of the parish, coinciding with Rogation, when the lands and crops of the parish are blessed.

Claines has a tradition of celebrating this, most recently with a parish walk and picnic.

Nick will bring a new dimension to this as he attempts to cover the entire 11 mile route using a variety of transport types.

He will be using a scooter, cycling, jogging, riding a horse, canoeing, and hitching a ride on a tractor and a motorbike!

Members of the parish are welcome to join him on parts of his route or observe him at viewpoints along the way. He will set off after Morning Service at Claines around 12.00 and we hope he will return to the Church sometime that afternoon!

Nick will do this to raise money for Claines Church and Youth at Claines. He will also be wearing a cassock and collar to make sure he gets noticed along the way.

The route Nick will take is shown below and you can also view a Google Earth presentation of the exact route with all stages marked. (If you don’t have Google Earth installed follow this link. Use this link also for a virtual tour of the route! Just follow the instructions)

Do join us on the day to cheer him on! This page will be regularly  updated with further timings and information.

Nick’s Route


I didn’t know Claines went as far as Tewkesbury!

Can Nick Beat the Bounds??   !!



Full story and pictures here!

Bounds HOME Mail:

Nick Did Beat the Bounds!

Curate, Nick Kaleniuk thrashed the boundaries of Claines parish, arriving back at the Church to hear the clock bells strike 3 o’clock.

He was accompanied all of the way by various parishioners. He stopped at key points and said prayers which had been written by the Sunday School and Pub Club. He was cheered ashore at Northwick slip by a large group with waving flags and finally greeted ceremoniously by the Churchwardens with their staves, as he arrived through the Lychgate on motorbike.

Nick is welcomed back by Churchwardens Rachel Cramp and Phil Kear

See the full photo gallery below

(Photography by George Sansome,  David Ritchie, Ian and Rachel Cramp)

In the evening a quarter peal of Grandsire  Triples was rung on Claines Bells to celebrate the centenary of the formation of the Western Branch of the Worcestershire & Districts Association, but also to congratulate Nick on his success!

Nick raised over £500 pounds for the youth in the parish and is already thinking about next year.....